Programs & Community

Celebrating 50 years as the Young Lions


Celebrating 50 years as the Young Lions 〰️


Since 1973, CCY and CCYL have performed throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions.

Through our collective efforts we were able to start other projects, which we call the Chinatown Community Youths Program. The program offers activities such as sports, counseling services, field trips, music appreciation, Asian dancing and Lion dancing. The program offers activities such as sports, counseling services, field trips, music appreciation, Asian dancing and lion dancing.

The programs that have been provided to our youths have been solely funded through the diligence and hard  work of our members, volunteers and member families. Today our program participation has grown from 9 members to 500 active members.

How to join

We are teaching in a Chinatown location in a joint collaboration with Hamilton Madison House. No fees.

Age restrictions can vary from 7 years and up.

Community Service

Volunteering at Hamilton Madison House for Hurricane Sandy relief

The Young Lions services not only the Chinese community, but we donate our services to other agencies that need our support. We have performed in hospitals, nursing homes, senior citizen centers, schools, day care centers, settlement houses, Head Start programs, Asian festivals, etc.

List of past volunteer events

  • Food pantries - COVID 19, Hurricane Sandy

  • Head Start programs

  • Hamilton House - 1200 meals served